Told by Kieran Knudsen, Co-Owner of The Dark Tickle Company in St.Lunaire-Griquet (
“We saw this white stray cat in the wintertime on our front bridge. We started putting food out for it. Other people did it, too. They had seen it on the road.
One day, my wife Stacey looked out the window and saw this white cat digging out the bowl of food that we had put outside for him and that was covered with snow. I said: “I will try to catch that cat. If we don`t catch it, it is going to die.”
Our neighbour across the tickle phoned one day and asked: “Do you want to catch that cat?” I said yes.
She caught it and I went there with a cat carrier. We put it in the carrier but we lost it again when the bottom of the carrier dropped out.
My neighbour caught it again. The cat was malnourished, it had an infected tail and was full of worms. So the SPCA lady who was in St. Anthony took the cat to the vet in Corner Brook.
We brought it back to health. But the new cat did not get along with our Siamese cat, so my mother took the Siamese cat. My Newfoundland dog Sebastian and Roge (short for Roger), the white cat, are such good friends that Roge curls up into the dog`s stomach.”
Cat Roge from St. Lunaire-Griquet with buddy Sebastian
(Photo Kieran Knudsen;