Colin Hedderson, St. Lunaire-Griquet
Colin`s dog Jax is a full bred Beagle and 2 years old. His birthday was on June 14, 2011. He was adopted on September 27, 2011.
“The Six Golden Questions”:
– What does your pet like?
Walking, riding in vehicle and on ski-doo, playing in the yard, chasing Colin around. He also likes listening to Kiana play the piano.
– What does your pet not like?
Jax hates getting his nails done. He doesn’t like to see a moose and barks and whines at them.
– Favourite toy?
He loves chewing on Michael’s hands and also loves stuffed toys because he chews them apart to get the stuffing out.
– Favourite food?
Jax loves table food, especially steak bones. He can spend hours chewing on a bone. He also loves Humpty Dumpty Cheesies and dog treats.
– What have you learned since you have had your pet?
Since we’ve gotten Jax, we learned that dogs are like a part of the family. They need lots of love, attention and discipline. Jax is like a little boy who waits in the window until everyone gets home. He cries when we leave him, especially if we go on a trip and leave him home with Michael. He is very happy and content when everyone is home.
– Do you have any advice for other pet owners?
To anyone who is interested in getting a Beagle, they require lots of attention and you need lots of patience. They have a short attention span and when outside, their nose is always towards the ground because they love to sniff everything in sight.
Have a look at this:
Beagle Paws – A Canadian beagle rescue organization. Click here.
Beagle Paws is a Canadian beagle rescue organization that promotes beagle as a family pet and to help prevent the abuse and neglect of beagles everywhere.