Interview of the Week

with Josalyn Simms-Elliott from St. Anthony


A pet loving librarian


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Josalyn, you have been a librarian in St. Anthony for 9 years. Which is the most popular book on pets that people come to borrow?

It is a children`s book, non-fiction, the title is “Cats”, written by Seymour Simon. The kids just love it. We also have a book about puppies.

What triggers the kids`interest for these books?

Usually, they are kids who would like to have a pet or they know that they are going to get one.


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So the kids know, that they will find books about pets in your library?

Yes, and sometimes parents come with their children to check out books about pets. Just recently I had parents coming in with their two little girls who were going to get cats. I think the parents wanted them to know what that means, like that they have to clean the litter box or facts like that cats can see in the dark. I thought that was very neat.

And the adults, do they read books on pets, too?

People come to check out stuff. They are doing research when they plan to get a dog, for instance. They check out different breeds. They are not going out and buy a puppy on a whim. They want to find out which breed suits them best.


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Do adults read books on cats, too?

Not so much. Most people think that because they were raised with cats, they know everything about them. But there is still a lot to learn about cat care.

How many books on pets does the library in St. Anthony have?

Between 30 and 40 books. I will have even more pet books from the former library in St. Lunaire-Griquet that has closed.
We also have veterinarian books for pet owners, like “The Illustrated Veterinarian Guide”. It is about the health of cats and dogs and how to care for your pets. It is a fairly new one. These books are not outdated.


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Josalyn, you have a dog and you used to have a cat. Do you read these books, too?

Yes, I look at them from time to time. I enjoy reading them. We have books on dog breeds and a book “What`s up with my cat?” by Dr. Bruce Fogle, a thin book. And there is “Canine Boot Camp – Basic training for the dog you love”. Or this one: “The practical guide to cat and kitten care”, an illustrated book. We have a little bit of everything, even about aquariums and pet birds. People just need to come and get them.

Do people not realise that there are so many good books on pets in their library?

Yes, the books are not utilised as often as it should be. I think this is really a new thing that people have pet concerns. If a book is not here, that people want, I can also have it sent from another library to St. Anthony.


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As a pet loving librarian, do kids talk to you about pets?

Yes, boys come to me and tell me that they want a dog. I tell them about my dog and the responsibility you get with a dog and that you have to walk him and that dog care costs money. And then they make big eyes!

Thank you, Josalyn, for this interview.

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