Photos of Vet Visit

The mobile clinic at the Irving gas bar in St.Anthony.

Here are some pictures taken while Dr. John Earle and his assistant Bonnie Harris were visiting St. Anthony. The visit was very successfull. See also article in the latest edition of the Northern Pen. An interview with Dr. Earle will be posted next week.
Thank you, Dr. Earle and Bonnie, for your great work, patience and stamina!

All photos Copyright Bernadette Calonego.

Bonnie Harris inside the mobile clinic (with 3 year old Emma Bussey from St. Anthony)

Cats waiting to be spayed or neutered.

Pam Bussey and daughter Emma from St. Anthony visiting the mobile clinic

Dr. John Earle and Bonnie Harris trying to get a reluctant cat out of the carrier.

Cat Mel from Straitsview is sedated.

Bonnie Harris and Dr. John Earle preparing a cat for surgery (the belly is shaved).

Maurice Simmonds, owner for the Irving gas bar and of a chocolate lab, with Dr. John Earle in front of the mobile clinic.

There were a lot of drop-ins which Dr. John Earl and Bonnie Harris fitted into their tight schedule.


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